[torqueusers] Torque from EPEL
J Martin Rushton
2017-03-23 18:25:24 UTC
A few months ago I was hitting problems with Torque appearing to look
for hard coded links. I've identified what was causing that - an
incorrect ordering in root's PATH meant it was reading a mixture of 2.x
and 4.x binaries. :-o

I'm now hitting a solid wall with 4.2.10 both from EPEL (yum install
pbs_server), and when built directly (download, configure, make , make
install). In either case pbs_server is reporting an undefined symbol:
job_log_mutex. The message appears both with "service pbs_server start"
and running the daemon directly.

"ldd -u pbs_server" actually reports 6 missing symbols: job_log_mutex,
msg_momjoboverwalltimelimit, log_mutex, pbs_server_name,
msg_momjobovercputlimit and msg_momjobovermemlimit.

"ldd -d pbs_server" reports two further errors in addition to the
missing symbols: symbol 'svr_conn' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking" and the same message for 'dis_emsg'.

I appreciate that 4.2 is getting quite old, but it is the one supplied
with EPEL-6 and that makes building images for diskless compute nodes
easier. Is this a known problem, and more importantly, is there a fix?

